Monday, 10 November 2008

In The Perfect Art School

In the perfect Art school there will be only two departments.

1. Will be called 'Grammaluxology' and concern itself with all meanings made with light i.e. writing, painting, photography, digital arts, film, philosophy and theory.

2. Will be called 'Hapticulture' and cover all forms of sculpture, ceramics, dancing, music, -anything that is to do with touch, (including the art of 'keeping in touch').

In the perfect Art school all direct attention to student will come under the umbrella term 'Minicure' (see post below).

In the perfect Art school the buildings will be purpose built and will occupy the very heart of a bustling city.

In the perfect Art school the best administrators will be the best artists.

In the perfect Art school food will be prepared by collective participation and feature an ever changing international menu representative of the international student body.

In the perfect Art school there will be space and light, and dark.

In the perfect Art school the stuctured curriculum will develop organically and 'bottom up' i.e. from empirically discovered and proven needs.

In the perfect Art school students will look forward to coming to college because there will be an atmosphere, people and facilities there that they cannot find in any other place, any other part of their life.

In the perfect Art school there will be all kinds of tools.

In the perfect Art school experience will be respected as much as fresh perspectives.

In the perfect Art school the importance and exception of art will be respected and maintained.

In the perfect Art school there will be no boss, only a respectful comeraderie and a reassuring hub.

In the perfect Art school 'Human Resources' will be re-named 'People', and it will mean it, and be regularly reminded of what it's name means.

In the perfect Art school students will not feel ashamed to be artists nor feel ironic about being art students.

In the perfect Art school there will be very high ceilings, 'headspace' for great and clear thinking, for tall sculptures, or for faraway images.

In the perfect Art school a bell will ring whenever a student really 'hits the spot'.

You've heard of the notorious OVERMANAGING, well, in the perfect Art school, nothing will be OVERMANAGED, in fact, for certain periods -some long, some short- whole departments, courses, spaces, or people, will lie Fallow, giving them a chance to regenerate and find their own ways without interference from vicarious and expressive WANNADOS.

Here is a link suggested by a friend, it's to Heidegger's eessay: 'Building, Dwelling, Thinking'. Perhaps the perfect art schol will be built on/as a bridge

In the perfect art school 'MAKING' will be only part of what we learn, there will always also be lessons in the truly inspiring fact that art has also nothing to do with making.

In the perfect art school we will all learn to read and write via idiosyncratic paths, nurtured by attention rather than judged and disciplined en mass. Respect, Respect for the precious life (-saving) skills of reading, and of writing.

In the perfect art school we will establish parameters for the role and identity of artists using the following questions:
What am I?
What is the other?
What is the world?
What is art?
What is my art?
What is my medium?
What is what?
What is is?
ans What is question?

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